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In India, Michelle Obama sings, dances with kids

发布时间:2010-11-07  来源:中国日报  字体大小[ ]

US first lady Michelle Obama dances with underprivileged children enrolled in the academic program of "Make A Difference" (MAD) at a university in Mumbai November 6, 2010. [Photo/Agencies]

MUMBAI -  US first lady Michelle Obama played hopscotch, danced and sang with 33 disadvantaged children from the Indian charity Make a Difference at the University of Mumbai.

Almost immediately after arriving at the university's library Saturday, she kicked off her flats and joined in a game of vocabulary-building hopscotch with the 8- to 13-year-old orphans and runaways who receive English-language instruction from Make a Difference volunteers.

"I love dancing. Oh that was fun!" Mrs Obama said after they danced to theme song from the Bollywood movie, "Rang de Basanti."

The girls wore their salwar kameez _ traditional long shirts and baggy trousers _ and glittering dupatta scarves. Mrs. Obama, dressed in an olive blouse and delicate flowered skirt, also joined a drum and tambourine circle with the children. She banged on a tambourine while the kids pounded on drums.


US first lady Michelle Obama plays with underprivileged children enrolled in the academic program of "Make A Difference" (MAD), at a university in Mumbai November 6. 2010. [Photo/Agencies]

After dancing, she spoke to the children about the importance of an education.

"I didn't grow up with a lot of money," Mrs Obama "I never even imagined being the first lady of the United States. But because I had an education, when the time came to do this, I was ready."

When the first lady invited questions or comments from her young audience, the result was an amusing exchange.

"I feel like my dream come true," one little girl told Mrs Obama.

"You feel like your dream has come true?" the first lady asked.

"Yes," the girl said.

"Why, because of me?" asked Mrs Obama.

"Yes!" the girl said.

"No!" Mrs Obama disputed.

"Yes!" the girl exclaimed again.

Replied the first lady: "No, you are my dream come true."


US first lady Michelle Obama plays a tambourine with underprivileged children enrolled in the academic program of "Make A Difference" (MAD) at a university in Mumbai November 6. 2010. [Photo/Agencies]

After some laughter the kids fell silent, so Mrs Obama urged another round of dancing.

"Let's dance some more! One more dance!" she said. She was quickly surrounded by a bouncing circle of girls throwing their arms in the air. The boys nearby jumped up and down. Before leaving, the first lady sent each child home with a tote bag stuffed with educational materials _ notebooks, pencils and pen _ and White House M&Ms.

Jithin Nedumala, 23, who forsook an MBA to help found MAD in 2006, said he hoped Mrs. Obama's visit would inspire the children he works with.

"We are here to tell the children to dream big," he said. "They're in orphanages and street shelters where they don't have their parents to push them. Not many people believe in these kids."

全球公众传媒摘编:GAN  JADE

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